
We’ve catered thousands of functions over the years at many popular, well established venues around Sydney.

If you’re not sure where to hold your upcoming event, check out the following list of venues, where we frequently cater for private and corporate functions. And, be sure to mention our name when you contact the venues, as we have a terrific relationship with them!

Venue Name Contact
Dobroyd Aquatic Club, Henley Marine Drive, Drummoyne 0401 097 294
Sydney Park Pavilion, Euston Road, Alexandria  9265 9333
Woollahra Sailing Club, Vickery Avenue, Rose Bay  9371 9805
Randwick Town Hall, Avoca and Frances Street, Randwick  1300 722 542
Randwick Community Centre, 27 Munda Street, Randwick  8020 0758
Prince Henry Community Centre, 2 Coast Hospital Road, Little Bay  8020 0758
Bondi Pavilion Community Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach  8362 3400
Dee Why Surf Club, The Strand, Dee Why Beach  9971 8047
Narrabeen Surf Club, Cnr Albert Street and Ocean Street, Narrabeen  9913 7616
Freshwater Surf Club, Kooloora Avenue, Freshwater  9905 3741
Galston Community Centre, 37 Arcadia Road, Galston 0414 647 638
Parramatta Town Hall, 346a Church Street, Parramatta  8839 3311
Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hill Road, Baulkham Hills  9843 0555
Baulkham Hills Community Centre, 390 Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills  9843 0555
Don Moore Community Centre, North Rocks Road, North Rocks  9843 0555
Burnside Gardens Community Centre, Blackwood Place, Oatlands  9843 0555
Castle Hill Community Centre, Pennant and Castle Street, Castle Hill  9843 0555
Kellyville Recreation Centre, Lot 60 Memorial Avenue, Kellyville  9843 0555
West Pennant Hills Valley Community Centre, 42 Hill Road, West Pennant Hills  9843 0555
Rouse Hill Community Centre, Clower Avenue, Rouse Hill  9843 0555
Ku-ring-gai Town Hall, 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble  9424 0754
Wetherill Park Community Centre, Polding Street, Wetherill Park  9609 7400
Greenfield Park Community Centre, 17 Greenfield Road, Greenfield Park  9609 7400
Prairiewood Youth and Community Centre, 194 – 222 Restwell Road, Prairiewood  9609 7400
Casula Community Centre, 39 Ingham Drive, Casula  1300 362 170
Cecil Hills Community Centre, 5 Sandringham Drive, Cecil Hills  1300 362 170
Burnham Grove Estate, 332 Cawdor Road, Camden  4655 6582
Chipping Norton Boat Shed, Angle Park, Homestead Avenue, Chipping Norton  1300 362 170
Greenway Park Community Centre, Greenway Drive, Greenway Park 1300 362 170
Erskine Park Community Hall, 57 Peppertree Drive, Erskine Park  4732 8021
Forest Inn Bexley, 467 Forest Road, Bexley  9567 1284
Gunnamatta Pavilion, Gunnamatta Park, 39 – 41 Nicholson Road, Cronulla  9710 0461
Cronulla Central, 38 – 60 Croydon Street, Cronulla  9710 0278
Port Hacking Community Centre, 184 Gannons Road, South Caringbah  9710 0594
Menai Community Centre, 34 Allison Crescent, Menai  9710 0594
Michael Maher Room, Ground Floor, 78 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield  9716 1800
Prince Henry Centre, Little Bay 9093 6200
Kingsgrove Community Centre, Kingsgrove 9330 6400