Venue Name |
Contact |
Dobroyd Aquatic Club, Henley Marine Drive, Drummoyne |
0401 097 294 |
Sydney Park Pavilion, Euston Road, Alexandria |
9265 9333 |
Woollahra Sailing Club, Vickery Avenue, Rose Bay |
9371 9805 |
Randwick Town Hall, Avoca and Frances Street, Randwick |
1300 722 542 |
Randwick Community Centre, 27 Munda Street, Randwick |
8020 0758 |
Prince Henry Community Centre, 2 Coast Hospital Road, Little Bay |
8020 0758 |
Bondi Pavilion Community Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach |
8362 3400 |
Dee Why Surf Club, The Strand, Dee Why Beach |
9971 8047 |
Narrabeen Surf Club, Cnr Albert Street and Ocean Street, Narrabeen |
9913 7616 |
Freshwater Surf Club, Kooloora Avenue, Freshwater |
9905 3741 |
Galston Community Centre, 37 Arcadia Road, Galston |
0414 647 638 |
Parramatta Town Hall, 346a Church Street, Parramatta |
8839 3311 |
Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hill Road, Baulkham Hills |
9843 0555 |
Baulkham Hills Community Centre, 390 Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills |
9843 0555 |
Don Moore Community Centre, North Rocks Road, North Rocks |
9843 0555 |
Burnside Gardens Community Centre, Blackwood Place, Oatlands |
9843 0555 |
Castle Hill Community Centre, Pennant and Castle Street, Castle Hill |
9843 0555 |
Kellyville Recreation Centre, Lot 60 Memorial Avenue, Kellyville |
9843 0555 |
West Pennant Hills Valley Community Centre, 42 Hill Road, West Pennant Hills |
9843 0555 |
Rouse Hill Community Centre, Clower Avenue, Rouse Hill |
9843 0555 |
Ku-ring-gai Town Hall, 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble |
9424 0754 |
Wetherill Park Community Centre, Polding Street, Wetherill Park |
9609 7400 |
Greenfield Park Community Centre, 17 Greenfield Road, Greenfield Park |
9609 7400 |
Prairiewood Youth and Community Centre, 194 – 222 Restwell Road, Prairiewood |
9609 7400 |
Casula Community Centre, 39 Ingham Drive, Casula |
1300 362 170 |
Cecil Hills Community Centre, 5 Sandringham Drive, Cecil Hills |
1300 362 170 |
Burnham Grove Estate, 332 Cawdor Road, Camden |
4655 6582 |
Chipping Norton Boat Shed, Angle Park, Homestead Avenue, Chipping Norton |
1300 362 170 |
Greenway Park Community Centre, Greenway Drive, Greenway Park |
1300 362 170 |
Erskine Park Community Hall, 57 Peppertree Drive, Erskine Park |
4732 8021 |
Forest Inn Bexley, 467 Forest Road, Bexley |
9567 1284 |
Gunnamatta Pavilion, Gunnamatta Park, 39 – 41 Nicholson Road, Cronulla |
9710 0461 |
Cronulla Central, 38 – 60 Croydon Street, Cronulla |
9710 0278 |
Port Hacking Community Centre, 184 Gannons Road, South Caringbah |
9710 0594 |
Menai Community Centre, 34 Allison Crescent, Menai |
9710 0594 |
Michael Maher Room, Ground Floor, 78 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield |
9716 1800 |
Prince Henry Centre, Little Bay |
9093 6200 |
Kingsgrove Community Centre, Kingsgrove |
9330 6400 |